Haiti Missions
Love. Hope. Change
"And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." - Micah 6:8
Haiti is a study in contrast—breath-taking beauty, warm people and heart-wrenching poverty. The challenges are complex and without simple answers, but it’s a privilege to answer God’s call to serve there.
Since 2010, step by careful step we’ve laid a foundation of relationships and trust. We’ve had successes and setbacks. We’ve had our hearts smote with love and broken by loss. That’s the nature of this kind of work. And yet we do not lose heart, because He who called us is faithful and will finish the work He’s begun in/through us. We’re committed to touching all of Haiti one life at a time, and we’re seeing true change as Jesus transforms lives.
We are bringing the love & hope of Jesus by:
"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And by the grace of God, I will." - Edward Everett Hale
"And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." - Micah 6:8
Haiti is a study in contrast—breath-taking beauty, warm people and heart-wrenching poverty. The challenges are complex and without simple answers, but it’s a privilege to answer God’s call to serve there.
Since 2010, step by careful step we’ve laid a foundation of relationships and trust. We’ve had successes and setbacks. We’ve had our hearts smote with love and broken by loss. That’s the nature of this kind of work. And yet we do not lose heart, because He who called us is faithful and will finish the work He’s begun in/through us. We’re committed to touching all of Haiti one life at a time, and we’re seeing true change as Jesus transforms lives.
We are bringing the love & hope of Jesus by:
- Planting Churches - doing training, evangelism and discipleship, and helping pastors to move away from a traditional missions mentality that fosters dependence.
- Training leaders to lead like Jesus - as servant leaders. Raising up a new generation of leaders with biblical values in a country where power and corruption are the norm.
- Rescuing the at-risk - helping re-unite families, helping with schooling, etc. for those in deep poverty.
- Doing biblical business training and helping to start businesses - breaking mentalities of hopelessness, dependency and corruption. Haitians are intelligent, resourceful and hard-working - often all they need are some tools, training, and hope.
- We visit Haiti several times a year. So we welcome people who will go, or pray, or give to make this possible.
- We are a generous church, as well as a fiscally accountable one - and funds that come in are used 100% to support projects and ministry in Haiti.
- Volunteers who want to help with administrative and organizational tasks are always a gift!
"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And by the grace of God, I will." - Edward Everett Hale
Mexico Missions
East River Fellowship participates in short-term mission trips to Mexico each spring break. The purpose of the trip is to spread God's love through the building of homes for families living in poverty. We usually take upwards of 100 people, #100strong, with us from age 14 and up. Our partner organization in Mexico is Amor Ministries.
Questions? Contact Chris and Dawna Butterfield at eastrivermexicomissions@gmail.com

Local Support
International Support
Brad/Kendra Pettry – YWAM Montana
Healing Rooms, Hillsboro – prayer and healing
Love Inc., Hillsboro – serving immediate needs in Hillsboro
Mark/Patti Kenney –Texas – pregnancy screening and support
Melissa Pearson – Heartfield Ministries, Portland homeless
Melva Phelps – Melva Phelps Ministries, Texas
Columbia Country Pregnancy Center
Scott McNamara – Jesus at the Door, Florida
Robert & Chelsea Davis - Refuge Builders
Healing Rooms, Hillsboro – prayer and healing
Love Inc., Hillsboro – serving immediate needs in Hillsboro
Mark/Patti Kenney –Texas – pregnancy screening and support
Melissa Pearson – Heartfield Ministries, Portland homeless
Melva Phelps – Melva Phelps Ministries, Texas
Columbia Country Pregnancy Center
Scott McNamara – Jesus at the Door, Florida
Robert & Chelsea Davis - Refuge Builders
International Support
Zoe to the World - Mark & Patti Kenney
USA, Montana, OR - Brad & Kendra Pettry, YWAM
Samaritans Purse/Operation Christmas Child
World Help - Child Sponsorship
Amor Ministries - Spring Break Missions Trip
Revive Israel
Operation Christmas Child
Mark & Ann Tubbs Transformation Ministries
Mexican Medical Ministries
USA, Montana, OR - Brad & Kendra Pettry, YWAM
Samaritans Purse/Operation Christmas Child
World Help - Child Sponsorship
Amor Ministries - Spring Break Missions Trip
Revive Israel
Operation Christmas Child
Mark & Ann Tubbs Transformation Ministries
Mexican Medical Ministries